Curtain Call Playhouse, Pompano Beach, Florida February - April 2014
Starring Alexis Mitchell as Rose Greg Ward as Herbie Mikaela Rosen as Louise Ashley Hyde as JuneRoss Granick as Tulsa/Georgie/Phil Chloe Ward as Baby Louise Brianna Quakenbush/Carly Mandel as Baby June Larry Bressler - Uncle Jocko/Mr. Kringelein/Pastey/Announcer Ted Dvoracek as Pop/Mr. Goldstone/Cigar Jessie Hoffman as Yonkers Bobby Moore as Angie Amy Silber as L.A./Hollywood Blonde Laura Silber as Gladys/Waitress/Maid/Hollywood Blonde Mariah Chase as Agnes Susan Lloyd/Kris Coffelt as Electra/Miss Cratchitt Valerie Heller as Tessie Tura Denise Weinstein as Mazeppa with Newsboys Cecile Schoen Daniel Guerrieri Beckett Olson Caterina Turner |

"This was the second time I directed Gypsy and the first time I ever co-directed a show with someone else (the talented Tera Young). Scheduling conflicts made it a necessity to have two directs for this show and though Tera and I have different approaches that I think complimented each other well. It was a whole new lesson in collaboration and team work for me. Because Curtain Call Plyhouse travels to different venues, I revisited the oversized dressing screens concept from my first production of Gypsy. They were versatile and could travel relatively easy as well. But it really was the astounding performance of Alexis Mitchell as Rose that carried this production."
- Geoff Short
- Geoff Short
Geoffrey Short
Northeast Ohio Entertainer
Northeast Ohio Entertainer